Teacher Development: Article: Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts Student Development: Website: Teach Your Kids How to Bowl Lesson Hints: Check out the resources and reproducibles at the back of the book for Animal Adaptations cards. You may wish to provide these cards to your students
Teacher Development: Website: Partition Shapes : Equal Shares – 1st Grade Math Telling Time Activities
Teacher Development: Article: Plant Defense: Thorns, Smells and Flowers
Teacher Background: Article: What Parts Are There to a Plant? Student Background: Website: What Animals Use Their Tail for Balance? Here are a some pictures from the NSTA Conference. The teachers enjoyed this challenge.
Teacher Background: Website: Maritime Signal Flags Website: National Geographic: Caves
Teacher Development: Here are some pictures of the pre-lesson mentioned in our book. First graders need to understand composite shapes well before trying this lesson.
Student Development: Website: 1st Grade 3-D Shapes Learning Resources
Teacher Development: Lesson Plans: Investigating Sound Justification: Website: My Storybook: Welcome to Our Community of Storytellers
Teacher Background: Lesson Plan: Sound Vibrations Website: The Physics Classroom- Sound is a Mechanical Wave Student Background: Website: Science Kids- Sound Facts Website: Physics for Kids: Basics of Sound