Teacher Development: Website: Making Learning Fun- Tangrams Free LEGO Printables and 70+ LEGO Learning Activities Here are some pictures of students trying this challenge.
Student Development: Website: Introduction to 2D Shapes Literary Connections: Article: A Playground Problem Amazon Ordering Information: Look at that Building! The First Book of Structures Amazon Ordering Information: The Greedy Triangle
Student Development: Classroom Ideas: Heat Activities for Kids Website: Chem4Kids- Changing States of Matter Florida Standards Correlation: SC.2.N.1.1- Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them in teams through free exploration and systematic observations, and generate approp
Teacher Development: Literary Connections: Article: Young inventors get to try out their new ideas at innovative summer camp Amazon: The Adventures of the Ketchup Kids
Teacher Development: Website: Helmets: How they Work, and What Standards Do Student Development: Article: After a concussion, when can teens return to the football field? Study Jams Video: Force and Motion Article: Some teams add extra padding to football helmets to make them safer
Student Development: Article: Read Works – Make a Map Video: How I Became a Pirate Article: Read Works- Finding Places on a Map Pirate History Websites: Website: Pirates: Truth, Facts, Legends and Myths Resources: U.S. Physical Features Map